What is SWiSH?
SWiSH is for anyone living or working in Harrow aged 18 years and over – those looking for help for themselves as well as carers and staff in local organisations. It can offer information or advice about a wide range of local services, including where to keep fit and well, manage finances, join social groups, look for work, start a course, access help with housing or welfare benefits or apply for a personal budget.
What does SWiSH not offer?
SWiSH does not offer financial advice, legal advice, advocacy, or 1:1 case support for welfare benefits and housing, but it can provide information about where to find this help. You can access information from SWiSH in several ways, such as via phone, email, website, events, bulletins, and one-to-one sessions. Look at the Find More support section on this page to find out more, or click on the button to Refer yourself to SWISH online.
Call the SWISH Helpline on 020 8515 7867 or email support@SWISHHarrow.org.uk
How to use the SWISH referral form
Please use this form if you are a professional or are referring someone else to our services. Please ensure that you have obtained consent to share their details from the person you are referring to and that the ‘Client consent given to share this information’ box is ticked before sending the form to us. Thank you.
If you would like to access SWISH information and advice for yourself
If you would like to refer yourself to SWiSH for information and advice to support your wellbeing please complete the Contact Us form on the Get In Touch page, and one of our advisors will call you back within 5 working days.
Who our service is for
SWiSH is for anyone in Harrow aged 18 years and over – those looking for help for themselves as well as carers and staff in local organisations.
What the service offers
It can offer information or advice about a wide range of local services, including where to keep fit and well, manage finances, join social groups, look for work, start a course, access help with housing or welfare benefits or apply for a personal budget.
SWiSH does not offer financial advice, legal advice, advocacy, or 1:1 case support for welfare benefits and housing, but it can provide information about where to find this help. You can access information from SWiSH in several ways, such as via phone, email, website, events, bulletins, and one-to-one sessions. The contact details for the service are provided below.
About the Support & Wellbeing Information Service Harrow (SWiSH)
Harrow Community Action (HCA) consortium is providing this service with 5 local charities: Age UK Harrow, HAD, Harrow Carers, Harrow Mencap and Mind in Harrow. This service has been commissioned by Harrow Council to provide a local Care Act 2014 Information & Advice Service.
How to use the referral form
Please ensure the ‘Client consent given to share this information’ box is ticked before sending to the service. Thank you.
For referrals as a general enquiry, please send the referral form to Mind in Harrow:
Mind in Harrow,
First Floor,
132 – 134 College Rd,
Email: info@mindinharrow.org.uk
Tel: 020 8426 0929
If you would prefer to send your referral to one of our specialist information & advice services directly, their contact details are provided below:
For people who are 60 years and over and people with dementia
Age UK Harrow,
3rd Floor,
Premier House,
1 Canning Road,
Email: enquiries@ageukharrow.org.uk
Tel: 020 8861 7980
For people with disabilities
Harrow Association of Disabled People (HAD),
The Wealdstone Centre,
38-40 High Street,
Email: general@had.org.uk
Tel: 020 8861 9920
For carers
Harrow Carers,
376-378 Pinner Road,
Email: admin@harrowcarers.org
Tel: 0208 868 5224
For people with learning disabilities and/or autism and their carers
Harrow Mencap,
3 Jardine House,
Harrovian Business Village,
Bessborough Road,
Email: iag@harrowmencap.org.uk
Tel: 0208 423 7382
For people with mental health problems
Mind in Harrow,
1st Floor,
132-134 College Road,
Email: info@mindinharrow.org.uk
Tel: 020 8426 0929
Harrow Community Action has been commissioned by Harrow Council to run the SWISH Information Service which is a partnership between 5 local specialist organisations.
Visit our SWiSH webpage to find out more about the partners involved!

Mind your Money
Mind in Harrow has recently released our Mind your Money leaflet (13th edition) and shared it with all of our SWiSH partners. If you would like information regarding benefits, debt, cost of living or energy advice then please ask whichever SWiSH partner that you are involved with or click the link here.
Mind Your Money is a comprehensive and up-to-date document with everyone that one would need to know regarding the current state of the benefits system. Not only that but included in the document is advice on getting through the upcoming winter and the Cost of Living crisis and advice surrounding debt relief and information on food banks and other important support services in the local area.
How does SWiSH relate to the Care Act 2014?
SWiSH has been commissioned by Harrow Council to provide a local Care Act 2014 Information & Advice Service. From April 2015, the Care Act 2014 introduced huge changes to social care services and many new rights for local residents, including a right to information about types of care and how to access them. You can download a summary of the Care Act 2014 or an easy-read explanation.
Refer to SWISH