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Media Enquiries

Welcome to Mind in Harrow’s Media Enquiries Page!

Hayaan Somali Project funding

For all media inquiries, please see below:

Contact Information

Pheonix Wilson

Communications and Marketing Coordinator – +44 78597 1207


About Mind in Harrow

Mind in Harrow is a leading mental health charity dedicated to supporting individuals in Harrow who are facing mental health challenges. Through our various programs, advocacy efforts, and community engagement initiatives, we work towards fostering a mentally healthy and supportive community.


Interview Requests

If you would like to schedule an interview with a representative from Mind in Harrow, please reach out to our Communications and Marketing Coordinator.



For any requests related to filming or photography at Mind in Harrow events or facilities, please contact our Communications and Marketing Coordinator in advance to discuss permissions, logistics, and coordination.


Stay Connected!

Follow us on social media for real-time updates, inspiring stories, and the latest news:


If you have specific media-related requests or questions, please feel free to connect with us using the contact details provided above. We look forward to working with you to promote mental health awareness and well-being in Harrow.