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Supporting Carers Rights Day

In a recent survey of nearly 6,000 carers, Carers UK found:

We are supporting Carers Rights Day by ensuring we can give carers the right information and help they need.  If you are a carer living or working in Harrow and have questions, please call our Support & Wellbeing Information Service Harrow (SWiSH) helpline on 020 8515 7867 or email

Also have a look at the range of support and services Harrow Carers provide and how you can get involved.

If you are caring for someone and want to know more about your rights, download the guide Looking after someone from Carers UK below.

Carers UK_Looking_After_Someone_2020-21_England_Oct20

At Mind in Harrow we also deliver a variety of wellbeing workshops helping everyone to prioritise their emotional health and wellbeing.