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Coronavirus - Our service changes

Coronavirus – Our service changes

Following government guidance to reduce the spread of coronavirus in the UK, Mind in Harrow has stopped our face-to-face service from Monday 23rd March 2020.

We continue to offer our services via the telephone or digital options.

Our Mental Health Telephone Information Helpline remains open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Please contact us by phone on 020 8426 0929 or email

Mind in Harrow will doing everything we can to support the mental health of those self-isolating at this time.  We will also help those in need of food and essential supplies by coordinating with the local support network.  We continue to work closely with local charities and public services to keep people safe.

Please continue to check our website and social media, as we will be posting regular updates.

Please be patient as we adapt to these changes.  We wish everyone well in these extraordinary times!

You can also download our Wellbeing tips for Working at Home and Self Isolating.

For local support information please visit our Covid-19 support page.