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We have launched a new confidential LiveChat service!

Why use LiveChat?   It gives you the option to chat privately if you do not have the space to do so over the phone.

Good news! We are expanding our FREE information line service

We offer specialist information and signposting to local services, such as benefits and housing advice, counselling services and health and social care services.   What’s

Mental Health Expert-by-Experience Adviser       

Mental Health Expert-by-Experience Adviser  Harrow Adult Social Care wants to change how it involves Harrow residents in the development of community support services. From 2021

Logo for SWISH service

We are recruiting for Volunteers for our SWiSH Information Helpline!

Mind in Harrow is currently recruiting for Volunteers to work on our Mental Health Information Helpline. We are looking for volunteers who are good at

Mind in Harrow’s response to Black Lives Matter

We at Mind in Harrow stand in solidarity with all those across the globe who are saddened, in mourning and were horrified by the murder

Raksha Pandya, our Inspiring Campaigner

Raksha Pandya, Mind in Harrow's User Involvement Coordinator, passed away on 6 April 2020 from a serious physical health condition diagnosed recently.  Her death was